battery.c File Reference

#include "config.h"
#include "powersave_hal.h"
#include "powerlib_local.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <math.h>


#define ACPI_BATTERY_DIR   "/proc/acpi/battery"
#define ACPI_AC_DIR   "/proc/acpi/ac_adapter"


int getBatteriesInfo (BatteryGeneral *battery_info)
 fills the given Battery struct with the current battery information for all found batteries
int getBatteryInfo (const int no, BatteryGeneral *bg)
 get Information for only one battery
int numBatteries (void)
 get number of present batteries
int getBatteryDetailedInfo (const int no, BatteryDetailed *bd)
 use this method to get amount of batteries in the system
int getACAdapterStatus (void)
 returns if the machine is on ac power or not
int setBatteryAlarm (int percent)
 sets the ACPI battery alarm for all batteries


DBusError dbus_error
LibHalContext * hal_ctx

Define Documentation

#define ACPI_AC_DIR   "/proc/acpi/ac_adapter"

#define ACPI_BATTERY_DIR   "/proc/acpi/battery"

Variable Documentation

DBusError dbus_error

LibHalContext* hal_ctx

Generated on Mon Mar 27 09:27:19 2006 for Powersave Daemon by  doxygen 1.4.6